Sunday, March 16, 2014

Should You Microchip Your Dog?

On March 9th, I wrote a response to an article in the L.A. Times about a dog that got lost and the crazy situation that ensued. In the comments of every article I read, people were waving their pitchforks at the original owner for not having the dog microchipped. But other comments brought up a good point. What if you don't think microchipping is good for your dog?

Arguments Against Microchipping

First, microchips don't always stay where they've been implanted. They sometimes migrate to other locations in the dogs' body. This poses a couple of problems. The implant can move to a location that causes a lot of pain. Or, if it isn't in the normal location when a dog is found, they might not check elsewhere on the dog to see if it migrated.

Also, just like humans, when a dog gets a microchip implanted their body sometimes rejects it. Tumors have sometimes been found around the injection site of dogs that have been microchipped.

One of the other problems with microchips is they use different frequencies. Many places have universal readers just for this reason, but not all places have them.

For some people, these are good enough reasons not to get their dog microchipped. But what if you didn't have to use microchips? What if there was an alternative?

Come Back Tuesday

Make sure you bookmark this site, add it to your favorites, whatever you need to do to remind yourself to come back on Tuesday. I've been given a chance to review a product that ISN'T EVEN ON THE MARKET, YET!!!! On Tuesday I will have a review of this awesome product and a giveaway. Here's a hint: it's an alternative to microchips.

So while you eagerly await this product review (and amazing giveaway), subscribe to us, add us to your list of favorites, like us on Facebook, follow us on Twitter, whatever it takes for you to come back on Tuesday.

1 comment:

  1. My parents have had their most recent dogs microchipped during the dogs' spay surgeries, as recommended by the vet. I've never had any of my pets microchipped. The only one I'm really worried about slightly is my cat Scout. He sometimes tries to bolt out the door (he's an indoor cat), and he's not very friendly with strangers. I worry about him if he were to ever get lost or impounded.

    Still, I like the traditional collar approach best, for the reasons you mentioned. If I had pets that were more likely to run off, I would be thinking more about the microchipping option.
