Saturday, June 14, 2014

Pet Naturals of Vermont Product Review

Legal Stuff: I got these products for free in exchange for a review. If my review is a positive one, I will receive a free years supply. I think that's kind of shady, but I'mma be totally honest with you guys and my review will be my own, honest opinion. Besides, if I didn't like the product, why would I want more? I'm also telling you this in case you see a review for their product from someone else and they don't mention the incentive to write a nice review about the company. On to the review!
I was given two products to review from Pet Naturals of Vermont: Hip + Joint: Bone-Shaped Chews for Medium and Large Dogs, and Flea + Tick Repellant Wipes.

Pet Naturals of Vermont's Hip and Joint: Bone-Shaped Chews

I used the Hip + Joint on both dogs. I used it on Nessie because she is a Tripawd dog, and tripawds are known for having joint problems when they get older due to the added stress on the remaining three legs. Nessie also has problems currently with her joints, though it isn't too bad. She just has a hard time jumping up onto the bed at night, and sometimes her limp is more pronounced after she has had an active day.
I also have given it to Princess because she has joint problems of her own, primarily in her back hips. Her particular breed-based on what we can guess about her breed- is prone to getting hip dysplasia. It's very hard to describe precisely what is going on with her back hips, but she tends to sit with her knees tucked under her. They also seem... loose is the best way to describe it. So she gets these treats also.
Both dogs LOVE the Hip + Joint: Bone-Shaped Chews. They're not big chews, but they aren't super tiny, either. Probably a little less than an inch in size. The dogs got to try the Chicken Liver flavor, and boy, do they love it. It's like giving these dogs crack.
With Nessie, I have noticed a difference in her joint health. She has been having an easier time jumping onto the bed at night. Our bed is quite high off the ground, but she's been able to jump up on it with no problem. And she can jump on and off and on and off and back on without struggling during the last few jumps like she normally would. Oh, I didn't make her jump on and off and on and off, that's just how her and Princess play.
On the other hand, I haven't noticed much of a difference with Princess. I think if I wanted to see any major difference in Princess I'd have to exercise her 2-3 times more often along with the Hip + Joint chews. Or maybe she's just doomed to sit funny forever.

Pet Naturals of Vermont's Flea and Tick Repellant Wipes

I didn't use these on Nessie, but I did use them on Princess.
We have an ant colony in our backyard. They're annoying and impossible to get rid of. It happens to be Princess' favorite spot to lie down. And she wonders why she's always itchy! Our backyard also is filled with lots of other types of bugs. I haven't noticed any fleas or ticks and I haven't noticed any on either of the dogs, but Princess is ALWAYS itchy and is scratching or biting herself.
This product is supposed to repel fleas, ticks, mosquitos, and flies. While I have no proof that it works on any of these, I know that when I use the wipes on Princess in the morning, she won't scratch for most of the day, even when I'm mean and make her stay outside for hours. I personally like the smell of the wipes, but I know some people will think it's strong. Also, after you use the wipes- if you don't use gloves- you will want to wash your hands thoroughly. The scent and oils really stick.
When I got the package, the lid was open and I was really concerned they would be dried out and useless. I don't know how long the lid was off, but the wipes were still damp-probably because they use oils instead of water-based ingredients. That was definitely a plus for me.
My only con with this product is that it's somewhat difficult to get the wipes out of the canister. I gave up trying to pull it through the lid-thing (it's like Clorox wipes) and I just take the top off to get to the wipes.


Overall I'd say both of these products were a hit and I'd be happy to use the products on a consistent basis. I like that the products are natural and I don't have to worry about how these products will harm me or my dogs as time goes on. Flea and Tick products are usually so toxic they tell you to wear a Hazmat suit. I'm much more comfortable using this on my fur babies than toxic shampoo. And anything that makes Nessie's life easier makes me happy. It's seriously like doggy crack that's good for them.

100 People Will Get These For Free

100 people will receive the Flea + Tick for free, and 100 people will receive the Hip + Joint for free. After the first 100, Pet Naturals of Vermont will give away valuable coupons so that everyone will get a chance to try their products.

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